ASAP / asap as soon as possible 出来るだけ早く なるはや
attn (for the ) attention (of ) ~宛・宛先
cc carbon copy (写)
bcc blind carbon copy
BTW by the way ところで
b/w(英) between ~の間
cfm confirm 確認する
cfmd confirmed 確認した
btw - by the way
cuz - because
k? - ok?
u r - you are
ur - your
ttyl - talk to you later
thx - thanks - thank you
j/k - just kidding
w/ - with
plz, pls - please
txt - text
mtg - meeting
msg - message
asap - as soon as possible
FYI - for your information
Div. Division 室・部・局
Sec. Section セクション 課
e.g./ eg “for example” 例えば、~など
ETA estimated time of arrival 到着予定時刻
ETD estimated time of departure 出荷予定時刻
etc./ etc, / &c. etcetera ~など、等
EOF end of file 以上(文末で)
FYI for your information ご参考までに
i.e. / ie すなわち、つまり
info information 情報
N.A. not available/ 入手不能・取扱いなし
No.(Nos.複数): “number” no./ nos. ~番・ナンバー
O.K. 大丈夫・オーケー 了解
pls please どうぞ
p.p. per procuration/person 代理で
P.S. Post Script 追伸
qty quantity 数・数量
re with reference to ~に関して
RE:/Re regarding / reply ~の件・~について/ 返信
REQ request 依頼・要請
RFP request for proposal 提案の要請
RFQ request for quotation 見積りの依頼
RPT repeat 繰り返す
rgs regards よろしく
TBD to be decided/determined 未定
tks / thx / TX Thanks 感謝 敬具
TYIA Thank you in advance
thru through ~を通して
Purchase Order 発注書
Delivery Order 荷渡指図書
Certificate of Origin 原産地証明書